Monique Donker

voor verandering

DBV Monique Blancha-6_zwwit
about me

I am Jennifer Brown, Web Designer

Hello everybody, we are Pixel Industry web agency based in Croatia, Europe. We are a team of two - one designer and front-end developer and one back-end WordPress developer. Creating powerful, responsive and beautifully designed themes is one of our greatest passion. We put a lot of effort in what we do and we think our clients see i too.

We always try to deliver unique, professional and really useful themes that will find a way to grab your attention and hopefully make you come back to see more work made by us. We love to hear all your sudgestions and critics, so by all means don’t hesitate to contact us. Let’s make a web more beautiful together!

Projects I'm working on

Integraal samen werken, duurzaam bouwen en ondernemen vraagt om een verandering in onze houding en om groei in kennis. Echter is zo moeilijk als gewoontes veranderen.
Ik ben uitgebreid onderzoek aan het uitvoeren om te ontdekken op welke wijze innovatieve teams nog beter kunnen werken aan optimale eindresultaten.

Phasellus sit amet orci leo, eget tristique odio. Phasellus tortor lorem, porttitor vitae egestas id, vehicula vel felis. Duis et eget augue magna, in pulvinar lorem. Donec a nisi sapien, at porta bero. Suspendisse nec tempor odio. Phasellus augue dolorem congue eget posuere quis, commodo id libero. Fusce arcu turpis, semper vel. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec rutrum elementum turpis nec vulputate. Donec eros sapien, adipiscing nec orci vitae.

Phasellus sit amet orci leo, eget tristique odio. Phasellus tortor lorem, porttitor vitae egestas id, vehicula vel felis. Duis et eget augue magna, in pulvinar lorem. Donec a nisi sapien, at porta bero. Suspendisse nec tempor odio. Phasellus augue dolorem congue eget posuere quis, commodo id libero. Fusce arcu turpis, semper vel. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec rutrum elementum turpis nec vulputate. Donec eros sapien, adipiscing nec orci vitae.

I have great experience in

  • Change Management in de bouw 80%

  • Slimbouwen 90%

  • Traning en Coaching 90%

  • Innovatie 80%